Chain Indexing

Avoid using chain indexing in Pandas.

Dataframe Conversion API Misused

Use df.to_numpy() in Pandas instead of df.values() for transform a DataFrame to a NumPy array.

Matrix Multiplication API Misused

When the multiply operation is performed on two-dimensional matrixes, use np.matmul() instead of in NumPy for better semantics.

TensorArray Not Used

Use tf.TensorArray() in TensorFlow 2 if the value of the array will change in the loop.

Pytorch Call Method Misused

Use in PyTorch to forward the input to the network instead of

Gradients Not Cleared before Backward Propagation

Use optimizer.zero_grad(), loss_fn.backward(), optimizer.step() together in order in PyTorch. Do not forget to use optimizer.zero_grad() before loss_fn.backward() to clear gradients.